Nature Explore Family Club – Know a Tree!!!
July 31 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Nature Explore Family Club – Know a Tree!!!
July 31st
10:00 am – 11:30 am
Join us on July 31st for the first Nature Explore Family Club of the season! Family Club will be held every Thursday morning from July 31st through August 28th.
KNOW A TREE: In today’s program, choose a tree in the area that you think is interesting. Use your senses to get to know your tree! Observe the seeds.
Children are able to develop skills and understandings in many areas of development at the same time as they engage in meaningful explorations of the world around them. The program includes story times, movement and music as well as nature-based art making experiences with time to explore the NEC during and after your class.
- For children ages 5-10 accompanied by an adult to enjoy outdoor experiences;
- 10:00 – 11:30 Meet in the Nature Explore Classroom behind the Visitor Building at Gathering #2;
- Bring your own snack. Optional: bring your own lunch for an additional story at 11:30-12:00!
- Registration required 262.878.5601
Family Club Adventure Activities support a wide range of ages, interests and abilities.
Just a reminder that all events require a Wisconsin State Park entrance sticker or daily entrance fee.